Tuesday 29 July 2008


Tuesday. One day closer to friday. And on friday Maia arrives, which is great. On thursday I get paid. On wednesday I will probably hang out with Ida. Tonight I will see Dark Knight with Johan and Sara.

It's like... I'm in the middle of lots of stuff. No time to be sad. (I am anyways, of course.) The latest couple of weeks have been hectic almost. I was home sick last week, and I'm still kinda tired since, it was my birthday, the weekend felt really long... Stuff going on all the time. On saturday we went to Killarney, all the inhabitants of 22 Vicar. I got to ride on the motorbike! Awesome. And see some nature. Which looked exactly like the nature in the northern / northswestern parts of Skåne (the most southern "county" of Sweden). Exactly exactly.

It was so nice.

Sunday was nice as well! All three of us girls dyed our hair and I actually epilated my legs for the first time. And no, it didn't hurt.

Yesterday we cleaned the house.

And pretty soon there's gonna be the big party, and after that the goat festival, and then there's just a couple of weeks untill I go back to the old country... Back to where I once belonged. (If I ever did. Felt more at home here than I did there.) And I'm gonna be gone for ages, and when I get back it's going to be autumn. And I'll probably have a new laptop, at last. And everything will be different. Or maybe it will be the same.

I'll be waiting for the future, for some kind of miracle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

”Detta kan vara svårt att förstå för den som är van vid att tänka att allting som är värdefullt och givande ligger i framtiden. Inte heller kan någonting som du någonsin har gjort eller som andra har gjort mot dig hindra dig från att säga ja till det som är och förankra din uppmärksamhet djupt in i nuet.
Du kan inte göra det i framtiden.
Du gör det nu eller inte alls."

Kram Mamma