Ångest botas bäst med intensiv kreativitet. Har planterat om köksträdgården till en stor ört-kruka med många "balkonger". Har skissat på idéer till självporträtt. Har ritat på en present. Har slutligen nästan limmat ihop fingrarna med billigt superlim kallat "supe glu". Det var så lättflytande att jag inte ens märkte att jag fick det på fingrarna.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Supe glu
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Candy lips
"Thirty minutes?" you might ask. "how is that possible? It doesn't even look like you're wearing that much make up?"
Well, I helped the kid find some clean clothes, and I am wearing a lot of make up.
Eye liner
Brown eye shadow
Gold shimmer eye shadow
Gold eye shadow
Lip stain
Lip pencil
Eyebrow gel
Liquid eye liner
And lip lacquer.
In other words, WAY more than my morning routine allows, and than I usually wear.
Well this isn't a make up blog. So I am also going to tell you that I finished cleaning the whole kitchen, plus hallway yesterday! It felt so incredibly good! Aaaah the kitchen is so clean... Now I can call the landlord and ask them to come and help us connect the new dishwasher!
And tonight I'm replanting my shoots, and hopefully it won't be too late. They don't look too good at the moment. And if I can afford it after all the bills are paid I'm gonna go to IKEA and buy a miniature green house for the chilies.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Dishes done!
So for about two or three weeks time has moved too quickly and no one has had time to tidy up and crap. We've all done loads of dishes but we never quite got through the mountain that took up half the kitchen.
Until today. I had severe stomach pains, a sore throat, a headache, bad sleep due to extreme RLS and a bad case of angst to top it of. So I stayed at home today, and did pretty much nothing but dishes.
J helped out with cleaning the kitchen as well. And we took some pics of him for his CV. Now I'm gonna vacuum as well, and then the kitchen will be cleaner than it has been in ages! It feels so great. The mess has been killing us all.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Red fever
transitional management
Thursday, 22 March 2012
New favorites

Friday, 16 March 2012
The angst
Trying to get to work, but I have a really bad angst. Hard to explain in English.
Jag har svår ångest. Som ett järnband runt bröstkorgen. Som kalla händer runt min hals. Som... Som smärta. Som att min själ är full av tjära. Jag försöker om och om igen att göra mig klar och gå, men det går bara inte.
Jag mår illa. Jag vet inte vad jag ska göra.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Friday, 9 March 2012
Friday night chili
Saturday, 3 March 2012
En man sitter i mitt kök och dricker vin. Han sjunger och pratar och han är snygg.
Han har diskat och han berättar en massa saker.
Friday, 2 March 2012
The weekend is coming!
For lunch today I had a pretty serious lamb curry from the food court. I usually avoid it but I'm in such a good mood today I even survived that.
I'm kinda love high without being in love. I love my friends and myself and the world. I feel loved.
And also I got a little surprise today. A good one!
Listening to: Hoven Droven
Night lost
Augh I'm so very tired. Went to bed too late and didn't go to sleep until even later. On the subway now, not so very late! I'm proud of myself!
Today I got my spring jacket from the closet and my winter one will hopefully take it's place rather soon.
I need coffee.
Ah at least it's Friday.
Listening to: Kyuss
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Gick för att köpa lunch, skulle in lite snabbt på Clas Ohlsson och köpa dammsugarpåsar.
Gick ut med dammsugarpåsar, en förlängningsladd, en sladd till förstärkaren och en reflex. Kom på att jag ville ha lite nya gummisnoddar och gick in på H&M. Kom ut med två olika gummisnoddsfnurror och en hel del underkläder.
So far so good. Jag behöver faktiskt alla de grejerna.
Jag behövde också någon sorts A5-mapp. Det blev en pärm, plastfickor och en läder-mapp. Och en barnsax. Kanske lite mer än nödvändigt. Suck. Ibland är jag så heteronormativ.
Annars är jag på bra humör. Ska på studentspex ikväll!
Lyssnar på : Truck Fighters, Kyuss, Danzig.