Sunday 6 April 2008


Again, a week flew by without blogging at all. I think you will survive, dear readers. So the week was quick. I was extremely tired after sitting up almost every night, talking on msn to this guy that I really like. So most days I was very tired. The weekend came, friday was fun, Shelbourne, Tom Barry's and Crane Lane. Met interesting people, had a good time. Ate tacofries. Fell asleep late, woke up after thirteen hours. Five in the evening. I cleaned the house a little and then we went to Ida and Hannah's place for cocktails... Many cocktails. And shots. We went out a bit to late, but found an afterparty. Not so much to say about it. Some of the girls might have done some silly things, but most of all we had a lot of fun. At least I did.

Today I have been extremely lazy. Woke up at eleven, have really not done anyting at all. I should continue cleaning. Really. But I'm so tired. I should make some dinner as well.

And oh yeah. He's coming here. It makes me happy. He makes me happy. I just really hope I can get a couple of days of when he comes.

So yeah, tacofries, tequila, high heels, party. Fancy hairdo. Lots of boys showed me a lot of interest. One emo-looking guy who always hang around trying to work up the confidence to talk to me actually managed to tell me he found me very attractive. Better then last time, when he told me he had seen me before, wich I find isn't a very good pickup line. It's a bit of a boost, to have those weekends where you just seem to look fantastic. You get drunk without making a fool of yourself. You receive compliments.

I think it's the shoes. Sara's high heels. My god. Best looking shoes ever.

My mind was elsewhere. No one caught my interest at all.

I'm importing people. Viola is going to start working at my job in may. It's awesome. Johan is going to be interviewed sometime this week.

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