Sunday 9 March 2008

These old bones needs to rest now

Exhausting weekend! Starting out with the team dinner friday, best pork ribs ever, had a few pints and some red wine, went home quite early after doing two kinda funny things; I reached out a hand and it seemed to work, which makes me feel good, and also I insulted someone. Or, not insulted so much as spoke my mind. "How come everyone hates me?" "Well, because of your asshole attitude probably." This sounds mean but that guy really needed to hear it, I think he knows that his attitude is causing him problems but he still keeps it up. We had a discussion about it, quite calm, where he explained that he could'nt do anything about it and I said that he actually had a choise.

On saturday I slept untill late, which is lovely, I love sleeping. The greatest luxury. Then me and Maria and Amalie went out shopping and then we went home where the rest of the mafia had assembled in front of the computer to watch the Swedish "Melody festival". I ate some food quickly and left them (feeling very nervous) to go meet my date.

Apart from ranting about how upset I was that Nordman had actually been allowed to perform in the show at all with that load of bullshit song of his ("If you play with magic you will awaken the wrath of heaven"?!?!) the date was very good. The second date even. We went to see "The Sultans of Ping", a Cork band who have been playing for about 15 years. It was one of the strangest gigs I ever been on! The huge moshpit was mostly guys in their 30's, and the singer looked quite special in extremely tight pink leopardprint pants and a black tight latex shirt. The music is a Toydoll's kinda punk. Apart from "Where's me jumper" they had a lot of equally weird but quite good and even more funny songs. At one point the whole crowd dropped to the ground where they where lying on their backs waving arms and legs in the air to a song about whales I think. Later the singer climbed/crowdsurfed across the whole room untill he reached the mixtable, on which he stood with the mic inside his mouth, making moves that I wont discribe more at all.

A good night, all in all, we had a beer afterwards and then decided against kebab to the benefit of pasta with chicken at my place.

While we where sitting in the kitchen talking there was a nock on the window, and I had a nice little chat with the former tenants of this very house. At three in the morning. They saw someone was awake, and we have a "pace"-flag in the window. So they just had to say hi.

Today we had a mafiadate at "LeisurePlex" where we shot lasers at small children. Definitely an underrated pleasure. We also rode motorbikes. In front of screens. Oh how great it was! Completely insane but so good! The weekend was perfectly ended with some cake of doom, and now I am going to go to bed.

And I am in quite a good mood, I must say.

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